Saturday, July 23, 2011

Moon Light Sail

In the waning of the day
Come sail with me my love!
When the Sun dips beyond yonder hill
And the shimmering Moon Rises to its throne
Cloaking the clouds in majestic purple hues
Silence spreads quieting the crescendo of the day’s music, calming the raging surf
Come away with me my love!
As the waters absorb the paint dripped from above like a thirsty canvas
Green blues transformed into shimmering glass
Come sail with me my love!
As a new symphony of night sounds begins in celebration
As Katydids, crickets, Cicadas and tree frogs begin their moonlit serenade
Come away with me my love!
As brilliant light reins down clearing the land and shoulders of man
So both may rest and revive
Smiles once more on both their faces
 Come sail away with me my love!
Come sail away with me my love!
We shall sail into the morrow where serenade
Osprey, gulls and wild Finches
Humming birds and bees shall compose our ode
Butterflies shall color our rainbows until eternity
And palm trees shall bow and twirl as we dance
Come sail with me my love
Over sun lit skies and moonlit passages
Come sail away with me my love!

©  Milancie Adams 2011
Hammock Corridors (™)

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