Prayers For Beginning the Day

Father GOD Teach Me How To Be

Father GOD teach me how to be
All you meant me to be!
Kind and Simple as a Flower
Strong and Upright as a Tree
True and Gentle as a Stream
Sweet and Clear as a Bird

Fragile are the bright Flowers their petals fall
Yet strong their perfume still from those long ago dried.
So make me bright for YOU when I am tried.

Unbending is the Palm stoic and steadfast
Yet its fronds dance in the cooling breeze limbs untiring
So make me strong for YOU never yeilding.

Small is the footprint the forest stream on rocks lapping
Yet its spring feed waters cooling and refreshing
So make me source for YOU listening and witnessing

Tiny are the finches unseen in bush as they sleep
Yet clear and sweet their songs true in early morn waking
So make me song for YOU praising and rejoicing

What Does the Lord Require of You

What does the Lord require of you
but to do justice and to love kindness
and to walk humbly with your GOD?
Micah 6:8

Tread Lightly - So You hear the Silence
And Tend the Voiceless
For they are the most fragile
But they have the most to Share!

Love the Lord God With all your Heart, Mind and Soul.
Love Your Neighbor as Yourself.
And as a caregiver of Earth Respect all species
Using wisely all the gifts He has shared
Seek His purpose and make it yours
Follow the path often less traveled
For in the solitude it will lead you home to Him!

As I Begin This Sabath 

As I begin this day of Sabath

May I begin it ever so slowly not rushing into the midday

May my mind not dwell on battles put to bed in yesterdays
Or be caught up in strifes past that can be undone 
May I Be Reminded it is a day of rest
A day of quietly trickling brooks not rushing river rapids 
Instead may I linger in the dawn of new awakenings
May I savor the simplicity of the day breaking
As I sip my tea and break my fast with freshly baked bread 
May I  first watch, first listen before moving or speaking
As angels paint the skies canvas magestically with brillance
As garden nymphs conduct the morning’s chorus of birds songs
And poppies turn their faces up to the slowly rising sun
While lizards sip the drops of dew on the new blades of green 
Letting these clues, blessings and gifts the Lord will reveal
Unravel in my imagination to a deeper understanding of possibilities
So that through creativity these threads may be woven together
Into a throw of purpose and pledge to walk a closer walk with Thee! 

Lord As I Begin This Day

Help me sit quietly

Help me listen

Help me hear what is being said
Only then let me speak and act

When I am sure what thou does require of me this day
Help me find Happiness in the Smiles of Children
Brightness in the Sunrise
Peace in the Stillness of the early morn waking
Solutions in the simplicity of a flower
And answers in the inner light of your calming Love!