Sunday, September 30, 2012

As I Begin This Day

As I begin this day of Sabath

May I begin it ever so slowly not rushing into the midday
May my mind not dwell on battles put to bed in yesterdays
Or be caught up in strifes past that can be undone 

May I Be Reminded it is a day of rest
A day of quietly trickling brooks not rushing river rapids 

Instead may I linger in the dawn of new awakenings
May I savor the simplicity of the day breaking
As I sip my tea and break my fast with freshly baked bread 

May I  first watch, first listen before moving or speaking
As angels paint the skies canvas magestically with brillance
As garden nymphs conduct the morning’s chorus of birds songs
And poppies turn their faces up to the slowly rising sun
While lizards sip the drops of dew on the new blades of green 

Letting these clues, blessings and gifts the Lord will reveal
Unravel in my imagination to a deeper understanding of possibilities
So that through creativity these threads may be woven together
Into a throw of purpose and pledge to walk a closer walk with Thee!


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